The CUNY Writing Across the Curriculum/Writing in the Disciplines (WAC/WID) program is a remarkable project that brings together faculty and graduate students from across the University in a system-wide effort to strengthen the writing of CUNY’s nearly quarter of a million undergraduates. This program is coordinated by the WAC Coordinator, Prof. Tara Pauliny. She holds a PhD in English Composition and Rhetoric, and has been teaching writing for over a dozen years. The proposal to establish requirements for Writing Intensive courses at the College was prepared and submitted by Prof. Mark McBeth, Deputy Chair of Writing Programs/English, José Luis Morín, Interim Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Kevin Murtagh, CUNY Writing Fellow, and approved in 2008.
Please click here for the website.
Writing Intensive Resources
Sample Syllabus
Informal, In-Class Writing Activities
Sample Writing Assignments for WI Courses
Tips on Grading: Using Rubrics
Creating Effective Peer Review Groups to Improve Student Writing