In this time of outrage and injustice and grief, we are responsible to our students for teaching racial justice both through content and practice. The following resources represent a few of those we feel are focused on truth, empowerment, and change in the ongoing efforts to create and achieve racial justice.
Racial Equity Resource Guide: “These resources focused on racial equity include journal entries, books, magazines, videos, and more.”
Teaching Tolerance/Teaching about Race, Racism, and Police Violence: “These resources can spur much-needed discussion around implicit bias and systemic racism, but they can also empower your students to enact the changes that will create a more just society.”
Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching/Teaching Race: Pedagogy and Practice: “this guide summarizes some of the common challenges instructors may encounter and offers five broad pedagogical principles for teaching racial justice, and three possible strategies for implementing each strategy in the classroom.”
“Teaching for Black Lives“: a handbook to fight America’s ferocious racism in (virtual or face-to-face) classrooms: “a collection of writings that helps educators humanize blacks in curriculum, teaching and policy and connect lessons to young people’s lives.”
Syllabus: 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge: “The Challenge invites participants to complete a syllabus of 21 short assignments (typically taking 15-30 minutes), over 21 consecutive days, that include readings, videos or podcasts. It has been intentionally crafted to focus on the Black American experience. The assignments seek to expose participants to perspectives on elements of Black history, identity and culture, and to the Black community’s experience of racism in America.”
Resources for Facilitating Difficult Conversations
Recommended Reading:
- Teaching Ideas and Resources to Help Students Make Sense of the George Floyd Protests
- How George Floyd’s Death Changed College Campuses | The Quad Magazine
- Resources for Engaging in Conversations About Race and Anti-Racism
Facilitating Difficult Conversation Resources:
- Let’s Talk! Facilitating Difficult Conversations with Students (Teaching Tolerance)
- Handbook for Facilitating Difficult Conversations in the Classroom
- Responding to Difficult Moments
- Successful Management Of Difficult Situations Workshop
- Managing Difficult Classroom Discussions: Diversity and Inclusion: Teaching Resources: Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning: Indiana University Bloomington