Teaching Resources for Difficult Times

We live and teach in and between contexts that challenge our expertise, energy, and assumptions. Our students live and learn in their own challenges of identity, circumstances, goals, failures, and beliefs. The list below provides some resources to support difficult conversations, referrals, and self-care for faculty at John Jay.

Any compilation of this kind will be limited in its assumptions, inclusivity, and appropriateness. Please address suggestions and objections to the Teaching & Learning Center so that we may improve resources for all.

Facilitating Difficult Conversation Resources:


Classroom Strategies (Teaching Tolerance webpage)

Handbook for Facilitating Difficult Conversations in the Classroom (Queens College/CUNY pdf)

Responding to Difficult Moments (University of Michigan Center for Research on Learning and Teaching webpage)

Teachers Need Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Conversations (Concordia University)

Locate and Contextualize: Facilitating Difficult Conversations in the Classroom



Let’s Talk! Discussing Race, Racism, and Other Difficult Topic with Students (Teaching Tolerance webpage)

Teaching and Race: Tips on Leading Difficult Conversations

Educational Resources in Spanish (Anti-Defamation League website)


Promoting a Positive Cross-Cultural Identity: A Caring Teacher’s Guide to Working with Recent Immigrant Students(Behavior Advisor webpage)

Let’s Talk Immigration! (InterGroup Resources 90 minute workshop)


Applying the Seven Learning Principles to Creating LGBT-Inclusive Classrooms (AACU publication)


Sexism: From Identification to Activism (Teaching Tolerance webpage)


Debunking Stereotypes about Muslims and Islam (Teaching Tolerance webpage)

Challenging Anti-Semitism: Debunking the Myths and Responding with Facts (Anti-Defamation League website)


Referring Students to John Jay Resources:

Emergency & Crisis Contacts

Counseling Services

Women’s Center for Gender Justice

Urban Male Initiative


Self-Care for Faculty Resources:

Radical Self-Care (Kerry Ann Rockquemore in Inside Higher Ed)

Self Care for People of Color after Emotional and Psychological Trauma (JustJasmineBlog)

Mindful Teachers (website)

10 Self-Care Techniques for Teachers (TeacherPop webpage)

Teachers, Take Care of Yourselves (Education Week webpage)

How Self-Compassion Can Help Prevent Teacher Burnout (Greater Good webpage)

Top Tips for Stress Management and Self-Care (Education World webpage)